Ladies Night Out
The event on October 5th has been canceled. This has been a challenging year for our community. Our board and staff felt a responsibility to be thoughtful of our sponsors regarding event, financial, and donor fatigue across the entire non-profit sector. We are dedicated to listening to the needs of our donor community, just as the community has been devoted to Candlelighters for the past 30 years.
Our organization is currently participating in National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month this September by launching our annual Operation Superhero Campaign. Please follow us for detailed information and campaign-related videos. We still need your help to continue sharing our love with our Candlelighters’ superheroes!
Your understanding is beyond value. We share our deepest appreciation for your help in supporting the nearly 100 children and families in Brevard and Indian River counties who continue their battles against pediatric cancer. A special thank you to our event donors who have contributed to our organization.
Thank you 2024 Sponsors!
“ALBUM” Sponsor: $5,000

“PERFORMANCE” Sponsor: $3,000

“PRODUCER” Sponsor: $1,000
The Viera Company